Cannabis recommendations from the comfort of your own home. Getting your medical marijuana recommendation has never been safer and quicker. Download the app, fill out our health questionnaire, then have a live video chat with a physician.
It's a risk free process. After your visit and if you are approved, you will be emailed a recommendation, and a hand-signed copy will be sent to the mailing address provided. Overnight delivery is also available.
We offer service daily from 8am to 10pm.
recomendaciones de cannabis desde la comodidad de su propia casa. Para que tu recomendación marihuana medicinal nunca ha sido más seguro y más rápido. Descarga la aplicación, llene nuestro cuestionario de salud, y luego tener un video chat en vivo con un médico.
Es un proceso libre de riesgo. Después de su visita y si se aprueba, se le enviará una recomendación, y una copia firmada a mano, se le enviará a la dirección indicada. entrega al día siguiente también está disponible.
Ofrecemos servicio diariamente de 8 a 10pm.
Cannabis recommendations from the comfort of your own home. Getting your medical marijuana recommendation has never been safer and quicker. Download the app, fill out our health questionnaire, then have a live video chat with a physician.
It's a risk free process. After your visit and if you are approved, you will be emailed a recommendation, and a hand-signed copy will be sent to the mailing address provided. Overnight delivery is also available.
We offer service daily from 8am to 10pm.